Monday, October 28, 2013


Landon’s Letter

Hey mi famillia,

Transfers are next week. FYI

Hope you all had a great week. We had a pretty good week. Our drought of new investigators ended this week. It was really awesome. We were able to find 2 new investigators and things are looking up. So we have seen blessings this week! So we are very grateful for everything we have received.

This week we were on just buses and walking like I mentioned last week and things went great for us. We didn't have too many problems. We had to ride to the church 2 times which is a 45-50 minute bus ride from around where we are and a 10 minute walk to the bus stop but each time was good, fast, and easy.

The bus system here isn't the best because of our small area we have primarily 3 to 4 buses we can ride in our area. I don't know if you have checked out Windsor (ok well i know that Dad probably has) but it is about 36 square kilometers so I don't know what that is for miles. But it's awesome!

Rachel- hey how have you been? I hope that you are getting ready for your senior year at school. Crazy. How is your summer going?

Natalie & Jon- How is work going? When do you go back to school? I hope that things are going well for you guys!

Annie- Sorry Anzo about your hair dryer. Keep up the awesome work. When is the end of your last transfer?

Megan & Justin- Have you been camping a lot? Where do you go in the mountains? I hope that things keep going well for you. Justin do you have a bus pass or do you pay with money each time you ride the bus to work. I was wondering about that this week.

Mom- that is awesome you are teaching summer school. How is the garden growing? I wish I could help out in the garden so much!

Dad- Did you know we are almost in the same latitude? I'm not much more north then you are. Crazy huh? Also I am south of Detroit haha. Things are going great. I hope things are going good for you. Don't get too tired.

I love you all

Love your favorite Brother, Son, and Elder

Elder Landon Webb

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